Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Dirk rides again!

Well, as you've seen Derek had a big birthday (they're all big after 70!) and spent part of it at the track SQT.

We wished him Happy Birthday whizzing around the track
6 Schlappers there in our distinctive white and black!
Reception had already sung to him in time honoured style
Unexpected by him, that raised a smile.

After a 2 hour session he retired to the caff
Baked potato and beans and a bit of a laff!
To finish off and to try to prevent him remaining as thin as a rake
We made him eat most of a rich and filling birthday cake.

Dirk then had to go as he had a date for an meal out
Never a dull moment with him around there is no doubt!

But he'll be back on track on Friday
You can't keep a good man down
Always there with a smile
Never with a frown.

So, Happy Birthday Derek and here's to many more to come
And keep on Happy Schlapping and keep on having fun.

Happy Birthday Derek.

Friday, July 20, 2007


No wanting to fed you up or noffin but here is the scene today[Friday] down the road outside the Jon Norfolk Suite [aka The Darkroom]

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Your Sponsors

I've been playing in the background and have updated the "links" on the right.

I've pointed the Vital one at the parent company website, now.
Vital are going all international. Along with the usual places like Ireland, Canada and Australia, we're doing stuff in Kazakhstan, of all places. Now I get to do Accounts in Kazakhstani Tenge. Woopie (not).

Also added a link to the Trigon website - lots of lovely kit!

Polski Blog

Don't know if you're pulling everyone's leg, Jeanette (!) but if your stuck in Polish, try the following address (click on the title, above, to go to it)

Polish Blog

Select English UK from the drop down in the top left and .... hey presto.

Seems to carry the setting across to the blogs, OK. Of course, you could do what it says in the instructions on the screen.!

Monday, July 16, 2007

OK, where are the race results??

Surely SOMEONE must be racing!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Vive le Tour de Kent

I've been lurking in the far South for the past week. Whilst I was there, a funny thing happened...

... we were invaded..!


Aussies, out in front.
Surely, that must be cheating!

Its only a matter of time before before soft cheese goes on the list of banned substances.
See where drugs get you in the Tour de France... Out in front en route to the funny farm!

Then, just as things were getting back to normal, some guys on bikes came past....

Go... Mr Miller... Go!

And, then, lots and lots and lots of guys on bikes!

Its incredible to think the same race is now winding its way up through the Alps!

P.S. I know where the Sun has been hiding :)

Thursday, July 12, 2007

I'm lurking

I'm still here you know. Bin down to see the new wood on t'velodrome and appoint a new tdo [you'll have to wait and see]. Flew back up here with The Proclaimers apparently. I'd heard there were some popsters on board the little plane but try as I might I could not work out who it was since there were no 6" platform shoes, no barely dressed bimbos or pianos disappearing through the little airplane's portholes. There was some chunky chap with a bald head that the stewardess used as ballast moving from the back to the front of cabin so the thing could take off - but he didn't look to much like a popster - unless Gary Glitter was back in the country. My lovely Eve pointed out the 'stars' to me when we eventually arrived in Stornoway after some time circling the skies in search of gap in the clouds. I did briefly think about screaming - as one does, but I was tired and everything. I even thought about asking if they wanted my autograph but I wanted to come home - to the warm glow of the coals in the fire and a view to die for And anyway, I'm off to hear what these old popsters sound like tomorrow anyway :-)